Atracții turistice - Ecclesiastic - “Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Church Complex

The church erection year is unknown. Nevertheless, behind the icon representing the godly burial feast the “Assumption of the Virgin Mary”, there is an inscription according to which the iconostasis was repaired in 1797 by I. Popovici. Therefore, we may conclude that the church was built by the “colonists” brought from the Rucăr – Dragoslavele area, as the church was the core of a community, around which the life of the whole community gravitated.
According to other sources, the “Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Church was erected by the parishioners before 1776 and repaired in 1928 and 1933. It is the only church in Bacău county built in a mountainous style by the inhabitants of Caşin who had arrived from the Rucăr area in the 18th century. The tricone-shaped church has a beautiful porch with accolade-shaped arches supported by four columns. The roof is made of shingle and the façade is simple. The iconostasis was painted around 1794. The bell tower, separated from the church, observes the same mountainous style and has sheltered a bell since 1805.
Worship: Orthodox
Patron: Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Address: Localitatea Mănăstirea Caşin, comuna Caşin, judeţul Bacău
Access: Oneşti –Caşin Road
Contact: 0234 344 021
Visiting hours: The worship monuments may be visited at any time between 8 am and 8 pm.
Cordonate GPS:Latitudine: 46° 9' 26" N
Longitudine: 26° 41' 56" E
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