Atracții turistice - Ecclesiastic - Ciolpani Monastery

The Saint Nicholas Church was built on the place where, many centuries ago, the spear thrower Ciolpan, a soldier in the army of the ruler of Moldova, Petru Șchiopul, had set up a monk hermitage. In 1730, the convent was in advanced state of degradation, and the lord steward Teodor Cantacuzino had the most skilled handymen in the region build a little wooden church from oak wood found in the neighborhood.
This is now among the smallest sanctuaries of this type in Moldova (H=7m, W=3m in the narthex, 5m in the side absides and 2m at the altar). It is clubs-shaped, the narthex has absides, the lateral absides are on three sides and the altar apsis on five sides, detached.
Two rotives in Cyrillic were sculpted in oak on the upper side of the sculpted entrance door frame: one in 1730, when the church was founded and the second in 1846, when it was weatherboard cover.
Several repairs were performed over the centuries, namely in: 1846, 1913, 1969 and 2000-2002. The restoration carried out in 2000-2002 restored the church to its original design and elevation, without porch and without bell tower. The church iconostasis was repainted in 1969, and the icons painted on wood date back to the 18th and 19th centuries.
The steeple is about 30 m north-east from the big church. It is made of square stones, it is three storey high and has an entrance passage.
Patron: Saint Emilian of Durostorum, Assumption (chapel), Saint Nicholas (cemetery church)
Address: str. Ciolpani, nr. 9, Buhuși, 605100, județul Bacău
Telephone: 0234.261.511
Access: from Buhuși to Runc, on the DJ156H, turn left to the monastery and drive another 3 km.
Visiting hours: The worship monuments may be visited at any time between 8 am and 8 pm.
Cordonate GPS:Latitudine: 46° 44' 48" N
Longitudine: 26° 42' 43" E
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