Atracții turistice - Ecclesiastic - Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt Monastery

The monastery is located at a 900 m altitude, on the Bolovanu Mountain, about 10 kilometers from the Slănic Moldova Resort. The main initiators and supporters of this project were two American citizens born in Romania, namely Vasile and Catinca Gavrilă. The Episcopacy of Roman Town gave its blessing for the erection of this monk monastery and had all the necessary paperwork done in 2000, when the works were actually started. There is no certain information of another ancient monastic institution built there in the past.
The patron of the church is Saint Ştefan cel Mare, and of the chapel the Transfiguration. The church is now finished, and the fresco painting was done by the artist Lichi Vică of Comăneşti.
The building has a ground floor, floor and attic, and the roof is in sheet metal. The all-season service chapel was built at the eastern end of the building sheltering the monks’ cells.
The monastery chapel includes the altar and nave, and a closed porch on the side. The church iconostasis is made of sculpted oak, and the bells are supported by a metal frame.
Worship: Orthodox
Patron: Saint Ştefan cel Mare și Sfânt
Address: Loc. Slănic Moldova, județul Bacău, 605500
Telephone: 0745.432. 554
Access: It is located near the Băile Slănic Town. On the road to Slănic, when one reaches Cerdac, a road sign indicates a 6 km forest road lading to the Bolovanu Mountain where this monastic institution was built.
Visiting hours: The worship monuments may be visited at any time between 8 am and 8 pm.
Cordonate GPS:Latitudine: 46° 14' 15" N
Longitudine: 26° 30' 43" E
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