Atracții turistice - Ecclesiastic - The “Blessed Virgin” Church in Bacău

The Blessed Virgin Church was built in the 15th century by a group of Franciscan monks coming from Şumuleu Ciuc, under the patronage of Margaretei Muşat (Losonczi Margit), the first wife of the ruler Alexandru cel Bun (ruler of Moldova between 29 June 1400 and 1 January 1432). Margareta Muşat was the daughter of the palatine Ladislau (Ştefan) Losonczi, voivode of Transylvania between 1376 and 1391.
The Bishop Bernardino Quirini, who was seated in Bacău after having appointed in 1590 by the Pope Sixtus V as catholic bishop over the Catholics of Moldova and Walachia, sent an account to Rome according to which there were 216 catholic families with 1692 members and two churches, one consecrated to the Holy Virgin Mary and built from stone, and a wooden one consecrated to Saint Nicholas.
During the period when Bernardino Quirini was bishop (1590-1604), the Saint Virgin´s Church became Episcopalian cathedral. 4 bishops were buried in the Saint Virgin´s Church: Bernardino Quirini (deceased on 17 September 1604), Ieronim Arsengo (who died in April 1610), Valerian Lubienecki (who died at the end of 1617) and Marcu Bandulovic-Bandini (on 27 January 1650).
In 1676, during devastating floods, the Saint Virgin´s Church was washed away by the Bistriței River. In 1839, under the direction of the new bishop Petru Rafael Arduini, the erection of a new church began, a church that still exists today and the patron of which is Saint Nicholas. The Saint Nicholas’ Church was opened to service on 6 December 1846 and dedicated by the Bishop Paul Sardi. Two statues, representations of Saint Francis of Assisi and of Saint Joseph with baby Jesus in his arms, keep watch over the entrance of the church.
Worship: Catholic
Patron: Saint Virgin (ancient church) / Saint Nicholas (current church)
Address: Strada Ana Ipătescu, nr. 2A, Bacău
Visiting hours: The Saint Virgin Church no longer exists. Saint Nicholas’ Church was erected in its place, and is now under heavy renovation works.
Cordonate GPS:Latitudine: 46° 33' 58" N
Longitudine: 26° 54' 53" E
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- The “Blessed Virgin” Church in Bacău