Participation of Bacau County at the Tourism Fair of Romania, Spring 2013 edition

During 14-17 March 2013 Bacau County Council participated again at Tourism Fair of Romania < / strong > held at the Exhibition Centre Romexpo Bucharest ..

Remember that last year, Bacau County Council , attended the Autumn edition Tourism Fair of Romania < / strong>.

Participation took place through the project ” Promoting Bacau County ( ProBacTur ) as a tourist destination : leisure , health, culture < / strong > “, financed by the Regional Operational Programme , Priority ” Sustainable development and tourism promotion” , DMI 5.3 ” promoting tourism potential and creating the necessary infrastructure in order to increase Romania’s attractiveness as a tourist destination , ” SMIS code 16028 , which Bacau County Council has in the implementation.

Representatives from the Department of Development rough

skillful and project management and the public service district tourism promotion and coordination of SALVAMONT , ie project manager and two other members of the implementation team promoted three packages < / strong > integrated product and service representative for County Bacau namely:
• , leisure and spa tourism < / strong > ” , consisting of recreational tourism products associated with medical and therapeutic treatments offered not only Slanic Moldova , once called , rightly , Pearl Moldova ” 12 healing springs but also Tg . Ocna or Romanian Salzburg , with its fountains and the famous mineral salt inside which there is a nursing respiratory diseases .

• , , cultural tourism ‘< / strong >’ , consisting of memorials and cultural centers , highlight the remembrance of Bacau personalities such as: Center of Culture ” Rosetti Tescani – George Enescu” Tescani and houses memorials of the poet precursor to post Bacau – Romanian modernism “George Bacovia ” the painter ” Nicu Enea ” and beyond. Also , museums and ethnographic museum in the churchyard “Holy Apostles Peter and Paul” Dărmăneşti which complements the so-called path of museums in Bacau , cultural sights are attractive for any lover of history, art and ethnography.

• , , Tourism Ecumenical < / strong > ” is the third package holiday and is composed of a chain of important churches . Only Tg . Ocna has raised a total of 24 churches to 14 000 inhabitants , among them are the Church ” St. Barbara “, a salt mine ” Trotuş ” in the city. Special Places of Worship and Church of Borzeşti , built in 1494 by Stephen the Great and his son , Prince Alexander , who built the Virgin Church in 1491 in Bacau , Bogdana Monastery of common Stephen the Great , built in 1660 , rebuilt after 100 years and which houses a collection of valuable old books , Monastery or Monastery of the Răchitoasa Runc which was erected in 1697 near the town of Magura Ocnei Monastery Tg. Ocna , built between 1750-1757 , outlines the tourist profile of our county .

Fair official opening took place on 14 March in the presence of Mrs. Maria Grapini – Minister for SMEs, Business Environment and Tourism , Ms. Mirela Matichescu – Deputy National Tourism Authority , Mrs Corina Martin – President of the National Association of Agencies Tourism – NATA , Dr. Mohammad Murad , President, Federation of Romanian Tourism Employers – FPTR , Mr. Nicu Radulescu – President Spa Tourism Organisation of Employers in Romania – OPTBR , Mr. Misu Chiruc – Executive President of the National Association of Rural , Ecological and Cultural – ANTREC Romania and Mr Ion Viorel Păunescu , Honorary Member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania , Honorary President of the Federation of Hotels in Romania

Just as the autumn 2012 edition of the Romanian Tourism Fair this year of about 1300 visitors to the stand, about 80 % were interested in the product package spa and leisure travel .

Tourism Fair of Romania, Bacau County has offered the possibility of being discovered or better known by potential both Romanian and foreign tourists , be valences cunoacă cultural, spiritual and unique landscapes with wonderful curative mineral water springs , true confessions of an attractive tourist destinations and major awakening interest in being discovered .

However , participation in Bacau County Fair has enabled networking with other institutions , societies and organizations, local governments that have shown at the fair , but also with representatives of the tourism product offerings bodies and organizations associated with tourism activity and media ( Annex to this report ) , potential support vectors in the implementation of the promotion is provided in the above-mentioned project , namely the establishment of a permanent contact , contact that can provide short-term , medium and long visibility , thus reaching project goals .

TTR editia de primavara 2013

TTR editia de primavara 2013


Sustainable development

Dezvoltarea durabila