Atracții turistice - Cultural - George Bacovia Memorial House

George Bacovia Memorial House is the starting point for any cultural itinerary in Bacau. It is located in the immediate surroundings of the monumental statue of Steven the Great, on the former Liceului street, presently George Bacovia street, at no. 13.
Symbolist poet, rediscovered by exegetes in multiple stylistic aspects, by bibliographers as a precious object of study and by the simple poetry lovers as well, George Bacovia, although gone for about half a century, is part of our life.
George Bacovia memorial House was inaugurated on October 1st, 1971.
The house has got six “wagon” style rooms, a part of princeps edition manuscripts being kept here, (for example: “Plumb” – 1916, “Yellow sparkles” – 1926, “With you” – 1930, “Basically comedies” – 1936, “Burgeois stanzas” – 1946) and books with the poet’s works in foreign languages.
Objects that belonged to to the poet and his family can also be found at the museum: furniture, paintings, pictures, volumes with autographs and a biography written by G. Bacovia himself.
The furniture in the study room is dark colored, the bed covered with Moldavian blankets and the writing table. The salon is in another room, bigger, with a street view; the piano, three big mirrors, one with silver frame, can be found here.
Address: Str. G. Bacovia nr. 13, 600237, Bacău, judeţul Bacău
Telephone: 0234.514.324
Visiting hours
Monday – Friday 8 – 16
Saturday, Sunday closed
Latitudine: 46° 34' 47" N
Longitudine: 26° 54' 34" E