Atracții turistice - Spa leisure - The Saline environment – Târgu Ocna Saline

Târgu Ocna Salt mine is positioned on the Trotuş valley, in a special natural scenery near Tg. Ocna. Salt exploitation in the area started in times immemorial, but the oldest written statement dates in the year 1380, and it is a princely document which tells about the payment for an amount of 2500 kilograms of salt for the construction of a stone bridge. There is an old legend which says that in the area there used to be deep forests inhabited by outlaws and thieves. The legend goes that such an outlaw fell into a salt pit while he was being chased by the authorities; the discovery of the pit saved him from being convicted.
Although salt had certainly been extracted before (between 1407 and 1434 the seal of the town would show a miner holding a stone cutting hammer in his hand), salt exploitation in Târgu Ocna is recorded during the reign of Stephen the Great, who reinforced, towards the end of his life, the privilege granted to Putna Monastery to purchase salt from Târgu Ocna. Until the latter half of the 19th century, salt exploitation in Târgu Ocna was done in bell-shaped salt mines. Between 1870 and 1968, in Moldova Veche (formerly called Carol I) and Moldova Nouă (formerly called Carol II), salt exploitation was done in trapezoidal rooms. North east of Moldova Nouă, the Pilot salt mine was inaugurated, where exploitation was done at two horizons, with small rooms and square panels, a method which was experimented for the first time in Romania. In this mine, the first tourist centre of Târgu Ocna Salt mine, also known as a Sanitarium, was in use between 1974 and 2005. Since 2005, the tourist potential of Târgu Ocna Salt mine has focused on the 9th horizon of Trotuş salt mine, where a modern centre of tourism and leisure was set up.
In 1992, in the heart of the salt massif, the first underground orthodox church in Europe was built, its titular saint being Saint Varvara – the miners’ protector. In front of the altar on the rood screen there are 24 icons. The altarpieces, imperial chair, the lamps and the beautiful chandelier, which lighten the church, were made in salt by miner-craftsmen.
Lying 240 meters deep and covering a surface of 13,000 square meters, the place offers optimum conditions for relaxation and sports, with its facilities for minifootball, basketball, lawn tennis and table tennis, and also for meditation and prayer in the holy church. The salt lake and waterfall complete the special scenery. Children may enjoy their time playing on playgrounds equipped with swings and slides, the inflatable slide being the main attraction for the little visitors. The mechanical games are an attraction for tourists irrespective of their age, and the connoisseurs may indulge in a pool game. There is underground room for gymnastics and also a first aid centre. The newly founded ”Museum of salt”, also underground, gives information about the genesis, salt exploitation development and processing, its therapeutic virtues, and it displays interesting exhibits related to the exploitation of salt.
In the underground tourist areas there is mobile telephone signal and wireless internet access. The tourist services of Târgu Ocna Salt mine have been diversified in 2010 by the setting up of an overground leisure centre, with a salt water swimming pool, loungers and sun shades, showers, health care room, terrace and shop. The access underground is done by buses and mini buses made available by the management of the salt mine. The salt mine is equipped with a guarded outdoor parking lot available to the visitors.
TEMPERATURE: constant, 120C;
HUMIDITY: around 50%;
ALTITUDE: 138 m;
Contact: 0234 344 021
7 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Exit: 3 p.m.
Cordonate GPS:Latitudine: 46° 16' 57" N
Longitudine: 26° 36' 26" E
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